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A New Project Creation Process

What PIs need to fill in order to request a Project?

Once logged in to NERC's ColdFront, PIs can choose Projects sub-menu located under the Project menu.

Projects sub-menu


Clicking on the "Add a project" button will show the interface below:

Add A Project

Very Important: Project Title Length Limitation

Please ensure that the project title is both concise and does not exceed a length of 63 characters.

PIs need to specify an appropriate title (less than 63 characters), description of their research work that will be performed on the NERC (in one or two paragraphs), the field(s) of science or research domain(s), and then click the "Save" button. Once saved successfully, PIs effectively become the "manager" of the project, and are free to add or remove users and also request resource allocation(s) to any Projects for which they are the PI. PIs are permitted to add users to their group, request new allocations, renew expiring allocations, and provide information such as publications and grant data. PIs can maintain all their research information under one project or, if they require, they can separate the work into multiple projects.