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Adding a new Resource Allocation to the project

If one resource allocation is not sufficient for a project, PI or project managers may request additional allocations by clicking on the "Request Resource Allocation" button on the Allocations section of the project details. This will show the page where all existing users for the project will be listed on the bottom of the request form. PIs can select desired user(s) to make the requested resource allocations available on their NERC's OpenStack or OpenShift projects.

Here, you can view the Resource Type, information about your Allocated Project, status, End Date of the allocation, and actions button or any pending actions as shown below:

Adding a new Resource Allocation

Adding a new Resource Allocation to your OpenStack project

Adding a new Resource Allocation to your OpenStack project

Important: Requested/Approved Allocated OpenStack Storage Quota & Cost

Ensure you choose NERC (OpenStack) in the Resource option and specify your anticipated computing units. Each allocation, whether requested or approved, will be billed based on the pay-as-you-go model. The exception is for Storage quotas, where the cost is determined by your requested and approved allocation values to reserve storage from the total NESE storage pool. For NERC (OpenStack) Resource Allocations, the Storage quotas are specified by the "OpenStack Volume Quota (GiB)" and "OpenStack Swift Quota (GiB)" allocation attributes. If you have common questions or need more information, refer to our Billing FAQs for comprehensive answers. Keep in mind that you can easily scale and expand your current resource allocations within your project by following this documentation later on.

Adding a new Resource Allocation to your OpenShift project

Adding a new Resource Allocation to your OpenShift project

Important: Requested/Approved Allocated OpenShift Storage Quota & Cost

Ensure you choose NERC-OCP (OpenShift) in the Resource option (Always Remember: the first option, i.e. NERC (OpenStack) is selected by default!) and specify your anticipated computing units. Each allocation, whether requested or approved, will be billed based on the pay-as-you-go model. The exception is for Storage quotas, where the cost is determined by your requested and approved allocation values to reserve storage from the total NESE storage pool. For NERC-OCP (OpenShift) Resource Allocations, storage quotas are specified by the "OpenShift Request on Storage Quota (GiB)" and "OpenShift Limit on Ephemeral Storage Quota (GiB)" allocation attributes. If you have common questions or need more information, refer to our Billing FAQs for comprehensive answers. Keep in mind that you can easily scale and expand your current resource allocations within your project by following this documentation later on.