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Backup with snapshots

When you start a new instance, you can choose the Instance Boot Source from the following list:

  • boot from image
  • boot from instance snapshot
  • boot from volume
  • boot from volume snapshot

In its default configuration, when the instance is launched from an Image or an Instance Snapshot, the choice for utilizing persistent storage is configured by selecting the Yes option for "Create New Volume". Additionally, the "Delete Volume on Instance Delete" setting is pre-set to No, as indicated here:

Launching an Instance Boot Source

Very Important: How do you make your VM setup and data persistent?

For more in-depth information on making your VM setup and data persistent, you can explore the details here.

Create and use Instance snapshots

The OpenStack snapshot mechanism allows you to create new images from your instances while they are either running or stopped. An instance snapshot captures the current state of a running VM along with its storage, configuration, and memory. It includes the VM's disk image, memory state, and any configuration settings. Useful for preserving the entire state of a VM, including its running processes and in-memory data.

This mainly serves two purposes:

  • As a backup mechanism: save the main disk of your instance to an image in Horizon dashboard under Project -> Compute -> Images and later boot a new instance from this image with the saved data.

  • As a templating mechanism: customise and upgrade a base image and save it to use as a template for new instances.

Considerations: using Instance snapshots

It consumes more storage space due to including memory state. So, make sure your resource allocations for Storage is sufficient to hold all. They are suitable for scenarios where maintaining the exact VM state is crucial. The creation time of instance snapshot will be proportional to the size of the VM state.

How to create an instance snapshot

Using the CLI


To run the OpenStack CLI commands, you need to have:

To snapshot an instance to an image using the CLI, do this:

Using the openstack client
openstack server image create --name <name of my snapshot> --wait <instance name or uuid>
To view newly created snapshot image
openstack image show --fit-width <name of my snapshot>

Using this snapshot, the VM can be rolled back to the previous state with a server rebuild.

openstack server rebuild --image <name of my snapshot> <existing instance name or uuid>

For e.g.

openstack server image create --name my-snapshot --wait test-nerc-0

openstack image show --fit-width my-snapshot

openstack server rebuild --image my-snapshot test-nerc-0

Important Information

During the time it takes to do the snapshot, the machine can become unresponsive.

Using Horizon dashboard

Once you're logged in to NERC's Horizon dashboard, you can create a snapshot via the "Compute -> Instances" page by clicking on the "Create snapshot" action button on desired instance as shown below:

Create Instance Snapshot

Instance Snapshot Information

Live snapshots and data consistency

We call a snapshot taken against a running instance with no downtime a "live snapshot". These snapshots are simply disk-only snapshots, and may be inconsistent if the instance's OS is not aware of the snapshot being taken. This is why we highly recommend, if possible, to Shut Off the instance before creating snapshots.

How to restore from Instance snapshot

Once created, you can find the image listed under Images in the Horizon dashboard.

Navigate to Project -> Compute -> Images.

Snapshot Instance Created

You have the option to launch this image as a new instance, or by clicking on the arrow next to Launch, create a volume from the image, edit details about the image, update the image metadata, or delete it:

Snapshot Instance Options

You can then select the snapshot when creating a new instance or directly click "Launch" button to use the snapshot image to launch a new instance.

Take and use Volume Snapshots

Volume snapshots

You can also create snapshots of a volume, that then later can be used to create other volumes or to rollback to a precedent point in time. You can take a snapshot of volume that may or may not be attached to an instance. Snapshot of available volumes or volumes that are not attached to an instance does not affect the data on the volume. Snapshot of a volume serves as a backup for the persistent data on the volume at a given point in time. Snapshots are of the size of the actual data existing on the volume at the time at which the snapshot is taken. Volume snapshots are pointers in the RW history of a volume. The creation of a snapshot takes a few seconds and it can be done while the volume is in-use.


Taking snapshots of volumes that are in use or attached to active instances can result in data inconsistency on the volume. This is why we highly recommend, if possible, to Shut Off the instance before creating snapshots.

Once you have the snapshot, you can use it to create other volumes based on this snapshot. Creation time for these volumes may depend on the type of the volume you are creating as it may entitle some data transfer. But this is efficient for backup and recovery of specific data without the need for the complete VM state. Also, it consumes less storage space compared to instance snapshots.

How to create a volume snapshot

Using the OpenStack CLI


To run the OpenStack CLI commands, you need to have:

To snapshot an instance to an image using the CLI, do this:

Using the openstack client commands

openstack volume snapshot create --volume <volume name or uuid> <name of my snapshot>

For e.g.

openstack volume snapshot create --volume test_volume my-volume-snapshot
| Field       | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2022-04-12T19:48:42.707250           |
| description | None                                 |
| id          | f1cf6846-4aba-4eb8-b3e4-2ff309f8f599 |
| name        | my-volume-snapshot                   |
| properties  |                                      |
| size        | 25                                   |
| status      | creating                             |
| updated_at  | None                                 |
| volume_id   | f2630d21-f8f5-4f02-adc7-14a3aa72cc9d |

Important Information

if the volume is in-use, you may need to specify --force

You can list the volume snapshots with the following command.

openstack volume snapshot list

For e.g.

openstack volume snapshot list
| ID                                   | Name               | Description | Status    | Size |
| f1cf6846-4aba-4eb8-b3e4-2ff309f8f599 | my-volume-snapshot | None        | available |   25 |

Once the volume snapshot is in available state, then you can create other volumes based on that snapshot. You don't need to specify the size of the volume, it will use the size of the snapshot.

openstack volume create --description --source <name of my snapshot> "Volume from an snapshot" <volume name or uuid>

You can delete the snapshots just by issuing the following command

openstack volume snapshot delete <name of my snapshot>

For e.g.

openstack volume snapshot delete my-volume-snapshot

Using NERC's Horizon dashboard

Once you're logged in to NERC's Horizon dashboard, you can create a snapshot via the "Volumes" menu by clicking on the "Create Snapshot" action button on desired volume as shown below:

Create Volume Snapshot

In the dialog box that opens, enter a snapshot name and a brief description.

Volume Snapshot Information

How to restore from Volume snapshot

Once a snapshot is created and is in "Available" status, you can view and manage it under the Volumes menu in the Horizon dashboard under Volume Snapshots.

Navigate to Project -> Volumes -> Snapshots.

Volume Snapshots List

You have the option to directly launch this volume as an instance by clicking on the arrow next to "Create Volume" and selecting "Launch as Instance".

Launch an Instance from Volume Snapshot

Also it has other options i.e. to create a volume from the snapshot, edit details about the snapshot, delete it, or Update the snapshot metadata.

Here, we will first Create Volume from Snapshot by clicking "Create Volume" button as shown below:

Create Volume from Volume Snapshot

In the dialog box that opens, enter a volume name and a brief description.

Create Volume Popup

Any snapshots made into volumes can be found under Volumes:

Navigate to Project -> Volumes -> Volumes.

New Volume from Volume Snapshot

Then using this newly created volume, you can launch it as an instance by clicking on the arrow next to "Edit Volume" and selecting "Launch as Instance" as shown below:

Launch an Instance from Volume

Very Important: Requested/Approved Allocated Storage Quota and Cost

Please remember that any volumes and snapshots stored will consume your Storage quotas, which represent the storage space allocated to your project. For NERC (OpenStack) Resource Allocations, storage quotas are specified by the "OpenStack Volume Quota (GiB)" and "OpenStack Swift Quota (GiB)" allocation attributes. You can delete any volumes and snapshots that are no longer needed to free up space. However, even if you delete volumes and snapshots, you will still be billed based on your approved and reserved storage allocation, which reserves storage from the total NESE storage pool.

If you request additional storage by specifying a changed quota value for the "OpenStack Volume Quota (GiB)" and "OpenStack Swift Quota (GiB)" allocation attributes through NERC's ColdFront interface, invoicing for the extra storage will take place upon fulfillment or approval of your request, as explained in our Billing FAQs.

Conversely, if you request a reduction in the Storage quotas, specified by the "OpenStack Volume Quota (GiB)" and "OpenStack Swift Quota (GiB)", through a change request using ColdFront, your invoicing will be adjusted accordingly when the request is submitted.

In both scenarios, 'invoicing' refers to the accumulation of hours corresponding to the added or removed storage quantity.

Help Regarding Billing

Please send your questions or concerns regarding Storage and Cost by emailing us at or, by submitting a new ticket at the NERC's Support Ticketing System.