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Project and Individual Allocation Annual Review Process

Project Annual Review Process

NERC's ColdFront allows annual project reviews for NERC admins by mandating PIs to assess and update their projects. With the Project Review feature activated, each project undergoes a mandatory review every 365 days. During this process, PIs update project details, confirm project members, and input publications, grants, and research outcomes from the preceding year.

Required Project Review

The PI or any manager(s) of a project must complete the project review once every 365 days. ColdFront does not send notifications to PIs when project reviews are due. Instead, when the PI or Manager(s) of a project views their project they will find the notification that the project review is due. Additionally, when the project review is pending, PIs or Project Manager(s) cannot request new allocations or renew expiring allocations or change request to update the allocated allocation attributes' values. This is to enforce PIs need to review their projects annually. The PI or any managers on the project are able to complete the project review process.

Project Reviews by PIs or Project Manager(s)

When a PI or any Project Manager(s) of a project logs into NERC's ColdFront web console and their project review is due, they will see a banner next to the project name on the home page:

Project Review

If they try to request a new allocation or renew an expiring allocation or change request to update the allocated allocation attributes' values, they will get an error message:

Project Review Pending Notification

Project Review Steps

When they click on the "Review Project" link they're presented with the requirements and a description of why we're asking for this update:

Project Review Submit Details

The links in each step direct them to different parts of their Project Detail page. This review page lists the dates when grants and publications were last updated. If there are no grant or publications or at least one of them hasn't been udpated in the last year, we ask for a reason they're not updating the project information. This helps encourage PIs to provide updates if they have them. If not, they provide a reason and this is displayed for the NERC admins as part of the review process.

Once the project review page is completed, the PI is redirected to the project detail page and they see the status change to "project review pending".

Project Review Pending Status

Allocation Renewals

When the requested allocation is approved, it must have an expiration date - which is normally 365 days or 1 year from the date it is approved. Automated emails are triggered to all users on an allocation when the expiration date is 60 days away, 30 days, 7 days, and then expired, unless the user turns off notifications on the project.

Very Important: Urgent Allocation Renewal is Required Before Expiration

If the allocation renewal isn't processed prior to the original allocation expiration date by the PI or Manager, the allocation will expire and the allocation users will get a notification email letting them know the allocation has expired! Allocation Renewal Prior Expiration

Currently, a project will continue to be able to utilize expired allocations. So this will continue to incur costs for you.

Allocation renewals may not require any additions or changes to the allocation attributes from the PI or Manager. By default, if the PI or Manager clicks on the 'Activate' button as shown below:

ColdFront Activate Expiring Allocation

Then it will prompt for confirmation and allow the admin to review and submit the activation request by clicking on 'Submit' button as shown below:

ColdFront Allocation Renewal Submit

Emails are sent to all allocation users letting them know the renewal request has been submitted.

Then the allocation status will change to "Renewal Requested" as shown below:

ColdFront Allocation Renewal Requested

Once the renewal request is reviewed and approved by NERC admins, it will change into "Active" status and the expiration date is set to another 365 days as shown below:

ColdFront Allocation Renewal Successful

Then an automated email notification will be sent to the PI and all users on the allocation that have enabled email notifications.

Cost Associated with Expired Allocations

Currently, a project will continue to be able to utilize expired allocations. So this will continue to incur costs for you. In the future, we plan to change this behavior so expired allocations will result in its associated VMs/pods not to start and possibly having associated active VMs/pods to cease running.