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The NERC's OpenShift AI dashboard Overview

In the NERC's RHOAI dashboard, you can see multiple links on your left hand side.

  1. Applications:

    • Enabled: Launch your enabled applications, view documentation, or get started with quick start instructions and tasks.

    • Explore: View optional applications for your RHOAI instance.

      NOTE: Most of them are disabled by default on NERC RHOAI right now.

  2. Data Science Projects: View your existing projects. This will show different projects corresponding to your NERC-OCP (OpenShift) resource allocations. Here, you can choose specific projects corresponding to the appropriate allocation where you want to work. Within these projects, you can create workbenches, deploy various development environments (such as Jupyter Notebooks, VS Code, RStudio, etc.), add data connections, or serve models.

    What are Workbenches?

    Workbenches are development environments. They can be based on JupyterLab, but also on other types of IDEs, like VS Code or RStudio. You can create as many workbenches as you want, and they can run concurrently.

  3. Data Science Pipelines:

    • Pipelines: Manage your pipelines for a specific project selected from the dropdown menu.

    • Runs: Manage and view your runs for a specific project selected from the dropdown menu.

  4. Model Serving: Manage and view the health and performance of your deployed models across different projects corresponding to your NERC-OCP (OpenShift) resource allocations. Also, you can "Deploy Model" to a specific project selected from the dropdown menu here.

  5. Resources: Access all learning resources that Resources showcases various tutorials or demos helping your onboarding to the RHOAI platform.