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How to Set Up Jenkins Pipeline on a VM

This document will walk you through how to setup a minimal "CI/CD Pipeline To Deploy To Kubernetes Cluster Using a CI/CD tool called Jenkins" on your NERC's OpenStack environment. Jenkins uses the Kubernetes control plane on K8s Cluster to run pipeline tasks that enable DevOps to spend more time coding and testing and less time troubleshooting.


You need Kubernetes cluster running in your OpenStack environment. To setup your K8s cluster please Read this.

CI/CD Pipeline on NERC Figure: CI/CD Pipeline To Deploy To Kubernetes Cluster Using Jenkins on NERC

Setup a Jenkins Server VM

  • Launch 1 Linux machine based on ubuntu-20.04-x86_64 and cpu-su.2 flavor with 2vCPU, 8GB RAM, and 20GB storage.

  • Make sure you have added rules in the Security Groups to allow ssh using Port 22 access to the instance.

  • Setup a new Security Group with the following rules exposing port 8080 and attach it to your new instance.

    Jenkins Server Security Group

  • Assign a Floating IP to your new instance so that you will be able to ssh into this machine:

    ssh ubuntu@<Floating-IP> -A -i <Path_To_Your_Private_Key>

    For example:

    ssh ubuntu@ -A -i cloud.key

Upon successfully SSH accessing the machine, execute the following dependencies:

Very Important

Run the following steps as non-root user i.e. ubuntu.

  • Update the repositories and packages:

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
  • Turn off swap

    swapoff -a
    sudo sed -i '/ swap / s/^/#/' /etc/fstab
  • Install curl and apt-transport-https

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https curl

Download and install the latest version of Docker CE

  • Download and install Docker CE:

    curl -fsSL -o
    sudo sh
  • Configure the Docker daemon:

    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER && newgrp docker

Install kubectl

kubectl: the command line util to talk to your cluster.

  • Download the Google Cloud public signing key and add key to verify releases

    curl -s | sudo \
      apt-key add -
  • add kubernetes apt repo

    cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
    deb kubernetes-xenial main
  • Install kubectl

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y kubectl
  • apt-mark hold is used so that these packages will not be updated/removed automatically

    sudo apt-mark hold kubectl

Install a Jenkins Server using Docker

To install a Jenkins server using Docker run the following command:

docker run -u 0 --privileged --name jenkins -it -d -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -v $(which docker):/usr/bin/docker \
    -v $(which kubectl):/usr/bin/kubectl \
    -v /home/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home \

Once successfully docker run, browse to http://<Floating-IP>:8080 this will show you where to get the initial Administrator password to get started i.e. /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword as shown below:

Jenkins Successfully Installed

The /var/jenkins_home in Jenkins docker container is a mounted volume to the host's /home/jenkins_home so you can just browse to /home/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword on your ssh'ed host machine to copy the same content from /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword.

Initial Admin Password

If you can't find the Admin password at /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword, then try to locate it at its original location, i.e. /home/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword.

OR, you can run docker ps on worker node where you run the Jenkins server. Note the Name of the docker container and then run: docker logs -f <jenkins_docker_container_name>. This will show the initial Administrator password on the terminal which you can copy and paste on the web GUI on the browser.

Initial Admin Password

When you run docker logs -f <jenkins_docker_container_name>, the initial password for the "Admin" user can be found between the rows of asterisks as shown below: Initial Admin Password

  • Once you login to the Jenkins Web UI by entering the admin password shown on CLI terminal, click on the "Install suggested plugins" button as shown below:

    Install Customize Jenkins Plugins

    Customize Jenkins Installing Plugins

    Continue by selecting 'Skip and continue as admin' first as shown below:

    Skip and continue as admin

    Then click the 'Save and Finish' button as shown below and then, Jenkins is ready to use.

    Jenkins Get Started

Install the required Plugins

  • Jenkins has a wide range of plugin options. From your Jenkins dashboard navigate to "Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins" as shown below:

    Jenkins Plugin Installation

    Select the "Available" tab and then locate Docker pipeline by searching and then click "Install without restart" button as shown below:

    Jenkins Required Plugin To Install

    Also, install the Kubernetes CLI plugin that allows you to configure kubectl commands on Jenkinsfile to interact with Kubernetes clusters as shown below:

    Install Kubernetes CLI

Create the required Credentials

  • Create a global credential for your Docker Hub Registry by providing the username and password that will be used by the Jenkins pipelines:

    1. Click on the "Manage Jenkins" menu and then click on the "Manage Credentials" link as shown below:

      Manage Credentials

    2. Click on Jenkins Store as shown below:

      Jenkins Store

    3. The credentials can be added by clicking the 'Add Credentials' button in the left pane.

      Adding Credentials

  • First, add the 'DockerHub' credentials as 'Username with password' with the ID dockerhublogin.

    a. Select the Kind "Username with password" from the dropdown options.

    b. Provide your Docker Hub Registry's username and password.

    c. Give its ID and short description. ID is very important is that will need to be specify as used on your Jenkinsfile i.e. dockerhublogin.

    Docker Hub Credentials

  • Config the 'Kubeconfig' credentials as 'Secret file' that holds Kubeconfig file from K8s master i.e. located at /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf with the ID 'kubernetes'

    a. Click on the "Add Credentials" button in the left pane.

    b. Select the Kind "Secret file" from the dropdown options.

    c. On File section choose the config file that contains the EXACT content from your K8s master's kubeconfig file located at: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf

    d. Give a ID and description that you will need to use on your Jenkinsfile i.e. kubernetes.

    Kubernetes Configuration Credentials

    e. Once both credentials are successfully added the following credentials are shown:

    Jenkins All Credentials

Fork the nodeapp App in your own Github

Very Important Information

As you won't have full access to this repository, we recommend first forking the repository on your own GitHub account. So, you'll need to update all references to to point to your own forked repository.

To create a fork of the example nodeapp repository:

  1. Go to

  2. Cick the "Fork" button to create a fork in your own GitHub account, e.g. "<github_username>/nodeapp".

  3. Review the "Jenkinsfile" that is included at the root of the forked git repo.

    Very Important Information

    A sample Jenkinsfile is available at the root of our demo application's Git repository, which we can reference in our Jenkins pipeline steps. For example, in this case, we are using this repository where our demo Node.js application resides.

Modify the Jenkins Declarative Pipeline Script file

  • Modify the provided ‘Jenkinsfile’ to specify your own Docker Hub account and github repository as specified in "<dockerhub_username>" and "<github_username>".

    Very Important Information

    You need to replace "<dockerhub_username>" and "<github_username>" with your actual DockerHub and GitHub usernames, respectively. Also, ensure that the global credentials IDs mentioned above match those used during the credential saving steps mentioned earlier. For instance, dockerhublogin corresponds to the DockerHub ID saved during the credential saving process for your Docker Hub Registry's username and password. Similarly, kubernetes corresponds to the 'Kubeconfig' ID assigned for the Kubeconfig credential file.

  • Below is an example of a Jenkins declarative Pipeline Script file:

    pipeline {

    environment {
      dockerimagename = "<dockerhub_username>/nodeapp:${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"
      dockerImage = ""
    agent any
    stages {
      stage('Checkout Source') {
        steps {
          git branch: 'main', url: '<github_username>/nodeapp.git'
      stage('Build image') {
          script {
            dockerImage = dockerimagename
      stage('Pushing Image') {
        environment {
          registryCredential = 'dockerhublogin'
          script {
            docker.withRegistry('', registryCredential){
      stage('Docker Remove Image') {
        steps {
          sh "docker rmi -f ${dockerimagename}"
          sh "docker rmi -f${dockerimagename}"
      stage('Deploying App to Kubernetes') {
        steps {
          sh "sed -i 's/nodeapp:latest/nodeapp:${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/g' deploymentservice.yml"
          withKubeConfig([credentialsId: 'kubernetes']) {
            sh 'kubectl apply -f deploymentservice.yml'


    Other way to Generate Pipeline Jenkinsfile

    You can generate your custom Jenkinsfile by clicking on "Pipeline Syntax" link shown when you create a new Pipeline when clicking the "New Item" menu link.

Setup a Pipeline

  • Once you review the provided Jenkinsfile and understand the stages, you can now create a pipeline to trigger it on your newly setup Jenkins server:

    a. Click on the "New Item" link.

    b. Select the "Pipeline" link.

    c. Give name to your Pipeline i.e. “jenkins-k8s-pipeline

    Adding Jenkins Credentials

    d. Select "Build Triggers" tab and then select Github hook tirgger for GITScm polling as shown below:

    Adding Github Build Trigger

    e. Select "Pipeline" tab and then select the "Pipeline script from SCM" from the dropdown options. Then you need to specify the Git as SCM and also "Repository URL" for your public git repo and also specify your branch and Jenkinsfile's name as shown below:

    Add Jenkins Pipeline Script From Git

    OR, You can copy/paste the contents of your Jenkinsfile on the given textbox. Please make sure you are selecting the "Pipeline script" from the dropdown options.

    Add Jenkins Pipeline Script Content

    f. Click on "Save" button.

How to manually Trigger the Pipeline

  • Finally, click on the "Build Now" menu link on right side navigation that will triggers the Pipeline process i.e. Build docker image, Push Image to your Docker Hub Registry and Pull the image from Docker Registry, Remove local Docker images and then Deploy to K8s Cluster as shown below:

    Jenkins Pipeline Build Now

    You can see the deployment to your K8s Cluster is successful then you can browse the output using http://<Floating-IP>:<NodePort> as shown below:

    K8s Deployed Node App

    You can see the Console Output logs of this pipeline process by clicking the icon before the id of the started Pipeline on the right bottom corner.

    Jenkins console

    The pipeline stages after successful completion looks like below:

    Jenkins Pipeline Stages Run Successful

We will continue on next documentation on how to setup GitHub Webhook in your Jenkins Pipeline so that Jenkins will trigger the build when a devops commits code to your GitHub repository's specific branch.