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Dashboard Overview

When you are logged-in, you will be redirected to the Compute panel which is under the Project tab. In the top bar, you can see the two small tabs: "Project" and "Identity".

Beneath that you can see six panels in larger print: "Project", "Compute", "Volumes", "Network", "Orchestration", and "Object Store".

Project Panel

Navigate: Project -> Project

  • API Access: View API endpoints.

Project API Access

Compute Panel

Navigate: Project -> Compute

  • Overview: View reports for the project.

Compute dashboard

  • Instances: View, launch, create a snapshot from, stop, pause, or reboot instances, or connect to them through VNC.

  • Images: View images and instance snapshots created by project users, plus any images that are publicly available. Create, edit, and delete images, and launch instances from images and snapshots.

  • Key Pairs: View, create, edit, import, and delete key pairs.

  • Server Groups: View, create, edit, and delete server groups.

Volume Panel

Navigate: Project -> Volume

  • Volumes: View, create, edit, delete volumes, and accept volume trnasfer.

  • Backups: View, create, edit, and delete backups.

  • Snapshots: View, create, edit, and delete volume snapshots.

  • Groups: View, create, edit, and delete groups.

  • Group Snapshots: View, create, edit, and delete group snapshots.

Network Panel

Navigate: Project -> Network

  • Network Topology: View the network topology.

Network Topology

  • Networks: Create and manage public and private networks.

  • Routers: Create and manage routers.

  • Security Groups: View, create, edit, and delete security groups and security group rules..

  • Load Balancers: View, create, edit, and delete load balancers.

  • Floating IPs: Allocate an IP address to or release it from a project.

  • Trunks: View, create, edit, and delete trunk.

Orchestration Panel

Navigate: Project->Orchestration

  • Stacks: Use the REST API to orchestrate multiple composite cloud applications.

  • Resource Types: view various resources types and their details.

  • Template Versions: view different heat templates.

  • Template Generator: GUI to generate and save template using drag and drop resources.

Object Store Panel

Navigate: Project->Object Store

  • Containers: Create and manage containers and objects. In future you would use this tab to create Swift object storage for your projects on a need basis.

Swift Object Containers