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Object Storage

OpenStack Object Storage (Swift) is a highly available, distributed, eventually consistent object/blob store. Object Storage is used to manage cost-effective and long-term preservation and storage of large amounts of data across clusters of standard server hardware. The common use cases include the storage, backup and archiving of unstructured data, such as documents, static web content, images, video files, and virtual machine images, etc.

The end-users can interact with the object storage system through a RESTful HTTP API i.e. the Swift API or use one of the many client libraries that exist for all of the popular programming languages, such as Java, Python, Ruby, and C# based on provisioned quotas. Swift also supports and is compatible with Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) API that makes it easier for the end-users to move data between multiple storage end points and supports hybrid cloud setup.

1. Access by Web Interface i.e. Horizon Dashboard

To get started, navigate to Project -> Object Store -> Containers.

Object Store

Create a Container

In order to store objects, you need at least one Container to put them in. Containers are essentially top-level directories. Other services use the terminology buckets.

Click Create Container. Give your container a name.

Create a Container

Important Note

The container name needs to be unique, not just within your project but across all of our OpenStack installation. If you get an error message after trying to create the container, try giving it a more unique name.

For now, leave the "Container Access" set to Private.

Upload a File

Click on the name of your container, and click the Upload File icon as shown below:

Container Upload File

Click Browse and select a file from your local machine to upload.

It can take a while to upload very large files, so if you're just testing it out you may want to use a small text file or similar.

Container Upload Popup

By default the File Name will be the same as the original file, but you can change it to another name. Click "Upload File". Your file will appear inside the container as shown below once successful:

Successful File Upload

Using Folders

Files stored by definition do not organize objects into folders, but you can use folders to keep your data organized.

On the backend, the folder name is actually just prefixed to the object name, but from the web interface (and most other clients) it works just like a folder.

To add a folder, click on the "+ folder" icon as shown below:

Upload Folder on Container

Make a container public

Making a container public allows you to send your collaborators a URL that gives access to the container's contents.

Hosting a static website using public Container

You can use public Container to host a static website. On a static website, individual webpages include static website content (HTML, CSS etc.). They might also contain client-side scripts (e.g. JavaScript).

Click on your container's name, then check the "Public Access" checkbox. Note that "Public Access" changes from "Disabled" to "Link".

Setting Container Public Access

Click "Link" to see a list of object in the container. This is the URL of your container.

Important Note

Anyone who obtains the URL will be able to access the container, so this is not recommended as a way to share sensitive data with collaborators.

In addition, everything inside a public container is public, so we recommend creating a separate container specifically for files that should be made public.

To download the file test-file we would use the following url.

Very Important Information

Here 4c5bccef73c144679d44cbc96b42df4e is specific Tenant Id or Project Id. You can get this value when you click on the public container's Link on a new browser tab.

Or, you can just click on "Download" next to the file's name as shown below:

Download File From Container

You can also interact with public objects using a utility such as curl:


To download a file:

curl -o local-file.txt

Make a container private

You can make a public container private by clicking on your container's name, then uncheck the "Public Access" checkbox. Note that "Public Access" changes from "Link" to "Disabled".

This will deactivate the public URL of the container and then it will show "Disabled".

Disable Container Public Access

2. Access by using APIs

i. OpenStack CLI


To run the OpenStack CLI commands, you need to have:

Some Object Storage management examples

Create a container

In order to create a container in the Object Storage service, you can use the openstack client with the following command.

openstack container create mycontainer
| account                               | container   | x-trans-id                         |
| AUTH_4c5bccef73c144679d44cbc96b42df4e | mycontainer | txb875f426a011476785171-00624b37e8 |

Once created you can start adding objects.

Manipulate objects in a container

To upload files to a container you can use the following command

openstack object create --name my_test_file mycontainer test_file.txt
| object       | container   | etag                             |
| my_test_file | mycontainer | e3024896943ee80422d1e5ff44423658 |

Once uploaded you can see the metadata through:

openstack object show mycontainer my_test_file
| Field          | Value                                 |
| account        | AUTH_4c5bccef73c144679d44cbc96b42df4e |
| container      | mycontainer                           |
| content-length | 26                                    |
| content-type   | application/octet-stream              |
| etag           | e3024896943ee80422d1e5ff44423658      |
| last-modified  | Mon, 04 Apr 2022 18:27:14 GMT         |
| object         | my_test_file                          |

You can save the contents of the object from your container to your local machine by using:

openstack object save mycontainer my_test_file --file test_file.txt

Very Important

Please note that this will overwrite the file in the local directory.

Finally you can delete the object with the following command

openstack object delete mycontainer my_test_file

Delete the container

If you want to delete the container, you can use the following command

openstack container delete mycontainer

If the container has some data, you can trigger the recursive option to delete the objects internally.

openstack container delete mycontainer
Conflict (HTTP 409) (Request-ID: tx6b53c2b3e52d453e973b4-00624b400f)

So, try to delete the container recursively using command

openstack container delete --recursive mycontainer

List existing containers

You can check the existing containers with

openstack container list
| Name          |
| mycontainer   |
Swift quota utilization

To check the overall space used, you can use the following command

openstack object store account show
| Field      | Value                                 |
| Account    | AUTH_4c5bccef73c144679d44cbc96b42df4e |
| Bytes      | 665                                   |
| Containers | 1                                     |
| Objects    | 3                                     |

To check the space used by a specific container

openstack container show mycontainer
| Field          | Value                                 |
| account        | AUTH_4c5bccef73c144679d44cbc96b42df4e |
| bytes_used     | 665                                   |
| container      | mycontainer                           |
| object_count   | 3                                     |
| read_acl       | .r:*,.rlistings                       |
| storage_policy | Policy-0                              |

ii. Swift Interface

This is a python client for the Swift API. There's a Python API (the swiftclient module), and a command-line script (swift).

  • This example uses a Python3 virtual environment, but you are free to choose any other method to create a local virtual environment like Conda.
    python3 -m venv venv

Choosing Correct Python Interpreter

Make sure you are able to use python or python3 or py -3 (For Windows Only) to create a directory named venv (or whatever name you specified) in your current working directory.

  • Activate the virtual environment by running:

on Linux/Mac: source venv/bin/activate

on Windows: venv\Scripts\activate

Install Python Swift Client page at PyPi

  • Once virtual environment is activated, install python-swiftclient and python-keystoneclient

pip install python-swiftclient python-keystoneclient

  • Swift authenticates using a user, tenant, and key, which map to your OpenStack username, project,and password.

For this, you need to download the "NERC's OpenStack RC File" with the credentials for your NERC project from the NERC's OpenStack dashboard. Then you need to source that RC file using: source * You can read here on how to do this.

By sourcing the "NERC's OpenStack RC File", you will set the all required environmental variables.

Check your authentication variables

Check what the swift client will use as authentication variables:

swift auth
Create your first container

Lets create your first container by using the following command:

swift post <container_name>

For example:

swift post unique-container-test
Upload files

Upload a file to your container:

swift upload <container_name> <file_or_folder>

To upload a file to the above listed i.e. unique-container-test, you can run the following command:

swift upload unique-container-test ./
Show containers

Then type the following command to get list of your containers:

swift list

This will output your existing container on your project, for e.g. unique-container-test

Show objects inside your container:

swift list <container_name>.

For example:

swift list unique-container-test
Show statistics of your containers and objects

You can see statistics, ranging from specific objects to the entire account. Use the following command to se statistics of the specific container.

swift stat <container_name>

You can also use swift stat <container_name> <filename> to check stats of individual files.

If you want to see stats from your whole account, you can type:

swift stat
Download objects

You can download single objects by using the following command:

swift download <container_name> <your_object> -o /path/to/local/<your_object>

For example:

swift download unique-container-test -o ./ [auth 2.763s, headers 2.907s, total 2.907s, 0.000 MB/s]

It's possible to test downloading an object/container without actually downloading, for testing purposes:

swift download <container-name> --no-download
Download all objects from specific container
swift download <container_name> -D </path/to/folder/>
Download all objects from your account
swift download --all -D </path/to/folder/>
Delete objects

Delete specific object by issuing the following command:

swift delete <container_name> <object_name>

For example:

swift delete unique-container-test

And finally delete specific container by typing the following:

swift delete <container_name>

For example:

swift delete unique-container-test

Other helpful Swift commands:

delete               Delete a container or objects within a container.
download             Download objects from containers.
list                 Lists the containers for the account or the objects
                    for a container.
post                 Updates meta information for the account, container,
                    or object; creates containers if not present.
copy                 Copies object, optionally adds meta
stat                 Displays information for the account, container,
                    or object.
upload               Uploads files or directories to the given container.
capabilities         List cluster capabilities.
tempurl              Create a temporary URL.
auth                 Display auth related environment variables.
bash_completion      Outputs option and flag cli data ready for

Helpful Tip

Type swift -h to learn more about using the swift commands. The client has a --debugflag, which can be useful if you are facing any issues.

iii. Using AWS CLI

The Ceph Object Gateway supports basic operations through the Amazon S3 interface.

You can use both high-level (s3) commands with the AWS CLI and API-Level (s3api) commands with the AWS CLI to access object storage on your NERC project.


To run the s3 or s3api commands, you need to have:

Understand these Amazon S3 terms

i. Bucket – A top-level Amazon S3 folder.

ii. Prefix – An Amazon S3 folder in a bucket.

iii. Object – Any item that's hosted in an Amazon S3 bucket.

Configuring the AWS CLI

To access this interface, you must login through the OpenStack Dashboard and navigate to "Projects > API Access" where you can download the "Download OpenStack RC File" as well as the "EC2 Credentials".

EC2 Credentials

While clicking on "EC2 Credentials", this will download a file zip file including file that has content similar to shown below. The important parts are EC2_ACCESS_KEY and EC2_SECRET_KEY, keep them noted.


NOVARC=$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE:-${0}}" 2>/dev/null) || NOVARC=$(python -c 'import os,sys; print os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1]))' "${BASH_SOURCE:-${0}}")
export EC2_ACCESS_KEY=...
export EC2_SECRET_KEY=...
export EC2_URL=https://localhost/notimplemented
export EC2_USER_ID=42 # nova does not use user id, but bundling requires it
export EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=${NOVA_KEY_DIR}/pk.pem
export EC2_CERT=${NOVA_KEY_DIR}/cert.pem
export NOVA_CERT=${NOVA_KEY_DIR}/cacert.pem
export EUCALYPTUS_CERT=${NOVA_CERT} # euca-bundle-image seems to require this set

alias ec2-bundle-image="ec2-bundle-image --cert ${EC2_CERT} --privatekey ${EC2_PRIVATE_KEY} --user 42 --ec2cert ${NOVA_CERT}"
alias ec2-upload-bundle="ec2-upload-bundle -a ${EC2_ACCESS_KEY} -s ${EC2_SECRET_KEY} --url ${S3_URL} --ec2cert ${NOVA_CERT}"

Alternatively, you can obtain your EC2 access keys using the openstack client:

sudo apt install python3-openstackclient

openstack ec2 credentials list
| Access           | Secret           | Project ID   | User ID   |
| <EC2_ACCESS_KEY> | <EC2_SECRET_KEY> | <Project_ID> | <User_ID> |

OR, you can even create a new one by running:

openstack ec2 credentials create
  • Source the downloaded OpenStack RC File from Projects > API Access by using: source * command. Sourcing the RC File will set the required environment variables.

Then run aws configuration command which requires the EC2_ACCESS_KEY and EC2_SECRET_KEY keys that you noted from file (during the "Configuring the AWS CLI" step):

  $> aws configure --profile "'${OS_PROJECT_NAME}'"
  AWS Access Key ID [None]: <EC2_ACCESS_KEY>
  AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <EC2_SECRET_KEY>
  Default region name [None]:
  Default output format [None]:

This will create the configuration file for AWS cli in your home directory ~/.aws/config with the EC2 profile based on your ${OS_PROJECT_NAME} and ~/.aws/credentials credentials with Access and Secret keys that you provided above.

The EC2 profile is stored here:

  cat ~/.aws/config

  [profile ''"'"'${OS_PROJECT_NAME}'"'"'']

Where as Credentials are store here:

  cat ~/.aws/credentials

  aws_access_key_id = <EC2_ACCESS_KEY>
  aws_secret_access_key = <EC2_SECRET_KEY>

Then you can manually create the configuration file for AWS cli in your home directory ~/.aws/config with the ec2 profile and credentials as shown below:

  cat ~/.aws/config

  aws_access_key_id = <EC2_ACCESS_KEY>
  aws_secret_access_key = <EC2_SECRET_KEY>


We need to have a profile that you use must have permissions to allow the AWS operations can be performed.

Listing buckets using aws-cli

i. Using s3api:

aws --profile "'${OS_PROJECT_NAME}'" --endpoint-url= \
    s3api list-buckets

    "Buckets": [
            "Name": "unique-container-test",
            "CreationDate": "2009-02-03T16:45:09+00:00"
    "Owner": {
        "DisplayName": "Test",
        "ID": "Test"

ii. Alternatively, you can do the same using s3:

aws --profile "'${OS_PROJECT_NAME}'" --endpoint-url= \
    s3 ls


2009-02-03 11:45:09 unique-container-test

To list contents inside bucket

aws --profile "'${OS_PROJECT_NAME}'" --endpoint-url= \
    s3 ls s3://<your-bucket>

To make a bucket

aws --profile "'${OS_PROJECT_NAME}'" --endpoint-url= \
    s3 mb s3://<your-bucket>

Adding/ Copying files from one container to another container

  1. Single file copy using cp command:

    The aws tool provides a cp command to move files to your s3 bucket:

    aws --profile "'${OS_PROJECT_NAME}'" --endpoint-url= \
        s3 cp <Your-file> s3://<your-bucket>/


    upload: .\<Your-file> to s3://<your-bucket>/<Your-file>
  2. Whole directory copy using the --recursive flag:

    aws --profile "'${OS_PROJECT_NAME}'" --endpoint-url= \
        s3 cp <Your-directory> s3://<your-bucket>/ --recursive


    upload: <your-directory>/<file0> to s3://<your-bucket>/<file0>
    upload: <your-directory>/<file1> to s3://<your-bucket>/<file1>
    upload: <your-directory>/<fileN> to s3://<your-bucket>/<fileN>

You can then use aws s3 ls to check that your files have been properly uploaded:

aws --profile "'${OS_PROJECT_NAME}'" --endpoint-url= \
    s3 ls s3://<your-bucket>/


2022-04-04 16:32:38          <size> <file0>
2022-04-04 16:32:38          <size> <file1>
2022-04-04 16:25:50          <size> <fileN>

Other Useful Flags

Additionally, aws cp provides an --exclude flag to filter files not to be transferred, the syntax is: --exclude "<regex>"

To delete an object from a bucket

aws --profile "'${OS_PROJECT_NAME}'" --endpoint-url= \
    s3 rm s3://<your-bucket>/argparse-1.2.1.tar.gz

To remove a bucket

aws --profile "'${OS_PROJECT_NAME}'" --endpoint-url= \
    s3 rb s3://<your-bucket>

iv. Using s3cmd

S3cmd is a free command-line tool and client for uploading, retrieving and managing data in Amazon S3 and other cloud storage service providers that use the S3 protocol.


Configuring s3cmd

The EC2_ACCESS_KEY and EC2_SECRET_KEY keys that you noted from file can then be plugged into s3cfg config file.

The .s3cfg file requires the following configuration to work with our Object storage service:

# Setup endpoint
host_base =
host_bucket =
use_https = True

# Setup access keys
access_key = <YOUR_EC2_ACCESS_KEY_FROM_ec2rc_FILE>
secret_key = <YOUR_EC2_SECRET_KEY_FROM_ec2rc_FILE>

# Enable S3 v4 signature APIs
signature_v2 = False

We are assuming that the configuration file is placed in default location i.e. $HOME/.s3cfg. If it is not the case you need to add the parameter --config=FILE with the location of your configuration file to override the config location.

Using s3cmd

To list buckets

Use the following command to list all s3 buckets

s3cmd ls


s3cmd ls s3://

2009-02-03 16:45  s3://nerc-test-container
2009-02-03 16:45  s3://second-mycontainer
2009-02-03 16:45  s3://unique-container-test
Create a new bucket

In order to create a bucket, you can use s3cmd with the following command

s3cmd mb s3://mybucket

Bucket 's3://mybucket/' created

s3cmd ls
2009-02-03 16:45  s3://mybucket

2009-02-03 16:45  s3://nerc-test-container
2009-02-03 16:45  s3://second-mycontainer
2009-02-03 16:45  s3://unique-container-test
To copy an object to bucket

Below command will upload file file.txt to the bucket using s3cmd command.

s3cmd put ~/file.txt s3://mybucket/

upload: 'file.txt' -> 's3://mybucket/file.txt'  [1 of 1]
0 of 0     0% in    0s     0.00 B/s  done

s3cmd also allows to set additional properties to the objects stored. In the example below, we set the content type with the --mime-type option and the cache-control parameter to 1 hour with --add-header.

s3cmd put --mime-type='application/json' --add-header='Cache-Control: max-age=3600' ~/file.txt s3://mybucket
Uploading Directory in bucket

If we need to upload entire directory use -r to upload it recursively as below.

s3cmd put -r <your-directory> s3://mybucket/

upload: 'backup/hello.txt' -> 's3://mybucket/backup/hello.txt'  [1 of 1]
0 of 0     0% in    0s     0.00 B/s  done
List the objects of bucket

List the objects of the bucket using ls switch with s3cmd.

s3cmd ls s3://mybucket/

                       DIR   s3://mybucket/backup/
2022-04-05 03:10         0   s3://mybucket/file.txt
2022-04-05 03:14         0   s3://mybucket/hello.txt
To copy/ download an object to local system

Use the following command to download files from the bucket:

s3cmd get s3://mybucket/file.txt

download: 's3://mybucket/file.txt' -> './file.txt'  [1 of 1]
0 of 0     0% in    0s     0.00 B/s  done
To sync local file/directory to a bucket
s3cmd sync newdemo s3://mybucket

upload: 'newdemo/newdemo_file.txt' -> 's3://mybucket/newdemo/newdemo_file.txt'  [1 of 1]
0 of 0     0% in    0s     0.00 B/s  done

To sync bucket or object with local filesystem

s3cmd sync  s3://unique-container-test otherlocalbucket

download: 's3://unique-container-test/' -> 'otherlocalbucket/'  [1 of 3]
653 of 653   100% in    0s     4.54 kB/s  done
download: 's3://unique-container-test/image.png' -> 'otherlocalbucket/image.png'  [2 of 3]
0 of 0     0% in    0s     0.00 B/s  done
download: 's3://unique-container-test/test-file' -> 'otherlocalbucket/test-file'  [3 of 3]
12 of 12   100% in    0s    83.83 B/s  done
Done. Downloaded 665 bytes in 1.0 seconds, 665.00 B/s.
To delete an object from bucket

You can delete files from the bucket with the following s3cmd command

s3cmd del s3://unique-container-test/

delete: 's3://unique-container-test/'
To delete directory from bucket
s3cmd del s3://mybucket/newdemo

delete: 's3://mybucket/newdemo'
To delete a bucket
s3cmd rb s3://mybucket

ERROR: S3 error: 409 (BucketNotEmpty): The bucket you tried to delete is not empty

Important Information

The above command failed because of the bucket was not empty! You can remove all objects inside the bucket and then use the command again. Or, you can run the following command with -r or --recursive flag i.e. s3cmd rb s3://mybucket -r or s3cmd rb s3://mybucket --recursive.

v. Using Rclone

rclone is a convenient and performant command-line tool for transferring files and synchronizing directories directly between your local file systems and the NERC's containers.


To run the rclone commands, you need to have:

Configuring Rclone

First, you’ll need to configure rclone. As the object storage systems have quite complicated authentication these are kept in a config file.

If you run rclone config file you will see where the default location is for you.


For Windows users, you many need to specify the full path to the Rclone executable file, if its not included in your systems PATH variable.

The EC2_ACCESS_KEY and EC2_SECRET_KEY keys that you noted from file can then be plugged into rclone config file.

Edit the config file's content on the path location described by rclone config file command and add the following entry with the name [nerc]:

type = s3
env_auth = false
provider = Other
endpoint =
acl = public-read
access_key_id = <YOUR_EC2_ACCESS_KEY_FROM_ec2rc_FILE>
secret_access_key = <YOUR_EC2_SECRET_KEY_FROM_ec2rc_FILE>
location_constraint =
server_side_encryption =

More about the config for AWS S3 compatible API can be seen here.

Important Information

Mind that if set env_auth = true then it will take variables from environment, so you shouldn't insert it in this case.

OR, You can locally copy this content to a new config file and then use this flag to override the config location, e.g. rclone --config=FILE

Interactive Configuration

Run rclone config to setup. See rclone config docs for more details.

Using Rclone

rclone supports many subcommands (see the complete list of Rclone subcommands). A few commonly used subcommands (assuming you configured the NERC Object Storage as nerc):

Listing the Containers and Contains of a Container

Once your Object Storage has been configured in Rclone, you can then use the Rclone interface to List all the Containers with the "lsd" command

rclone lsd "nerc:"


rclone lsd "nerc:" --config=rclone.conf

For e.g.,

rclone lsd "nerc:" --config=rclone.conf
        -1 2009-02-03 11:45:09        -1 second-mycontainer
        -1 2009-02-03 11:45:09        -1 unique-container-test

To list the files and folders available within a container i.e. "unique-container-test" in this case, within a container we can use the "ls" command:

rclone ls "nerc:unique-container-test/"
    0 image.png
   12 test-file
Uploading and Downloading Files and Folders

rclone support a variety of options to allow you to Copy, Sync and Move files from one destination to another.

A simple example of this can be seen below, where we copy (Upload) the file "" to the <your-bucket> container:

rclone copy "./" "nerc:<your-bucket>/"

Another example, to copy (Download) the file "" from the <your-bucket> container to your local:

rclone -P copy "nerc:<your-bucket>/" "./"

Also, to Sync files into to the <your-bucket> container - try with --dry-run first

rclone --dry-run sync /path/to/files nerc:<your-bucket>

Then sync for real

rclone sync /path/to/files nerc:<your-bucket>
Mounting object storage on local filesystem


First, you need to create a directory on which you will mount your filesystem:

mkdir ~/mnt-rclone

Then you can simply mount your object storage with:

rclone -vv --vfs-cache-mode writes mount nerc: ~/mnt-rclone

More about using Rclone

You can read more about Rclone Mounting here.


First you have to download Winfsp:

WinFsp is an open source Windows File System Proxy which provides a FUSE emulation layer.

Then you can simply mount your object storage with (no need to create the directory in advance):

rclone -vv --vfs-cache-mode writes mount nerc: C:/mnt-rclone

vfs-cache-mode flag enable file caching, you can use either writes or full option. For further explanation you can see official documentation.

Now that your object storage is mounted, you can list, create and delete files in it.

Unmount object storage

To unmount, simply press CTRL-C and the mount will be interrupted.

vi. Using client (Python) libraries

a. The EC2_ACCESS_KEY and EC2_SECRET_KEY keys that you noted from file can then be plugged into your application. See below example using the Python Boto3 library, which connects through the S3 API interface through EC2 credentials, and perform some basic operations on available buckets and file that the user has access to.

import boto3

s3 = boto3.resource('s3',
    aws_secret_access_key='YOUR_EC2_SECRET_KEY_FROM_ec2rc_FILE', #pragma: allowlist secret

# List all containers
for bucket in s3.buckets.all():
    print(' ->', bucket)

# List all objects in a container i.e. unique-container-test is your current Container
bucket = s3.Bucket('unique-container-test')
for obj in bucket.objects.all():
    print(' ->', obj)

# Download an S3 object i.e. test-file a file available in your unique-container-test Container
s3.Bucket('unique-container-test').download_file('test-file', './test-file.txt')

# Add an image to the bucket
# bucket.put_object(Body=open('image.png', mode='rb'), Key='image.png')

We can configure the Python Boto3 library, to work with the saved aws profile.

import boto3

session = boto3.Session(profile_name='<YOUR_CONFIGURED_AWS_PROFILE_NAME>')

# List all containers
s3 = boto3.client('s3', endpoint_url='',)
response = s3.list_buckets()

for bucket in response['Buckets']:
    print(' ->', bucket)

b. The EC2_ACCESS_KEY and EC2_SECRET_KEY keys that you noted from file can then be plugged into your application. See below example using the Python Minio library, which connects through the S3 API interface through EC2 credentials, and perform some basic operations on available buckets and file that the user has access to.

from minio import Minio

# Create client with access key and secret key.
client = Minio(
    secret_key='YOUR_EC2_SECRET_KEY_FROM_ec2rc_FILE', #pragma: allowlist secret

# List all containers
buckets = client.list_buckets()
for bucket in buckets:
    # print(, bucket.creation_date)
    print(' ->', bucket)

# Make 'nerc-test-container' container if not exist.
found = client.bucket_exists("nerc-test-container")
if not found:
    print("Bucket 'nerc-test-container' already exists")

# Upload './' as object name ''
# to bucket 'nerc-test-container'.
    "nerc-test-container", "", "./",

3. Using Graphical User Interface (GUI) Tools

i. Using WinSCP

WinSCP is a popular and free open-source SFTP client, SCP client, and FTP client for Windows. Its main function is file transfer between a local and a remote computer, with some basic file management functionality using FTP, FTPS, SCP, SFTP, WebDAV or S3 file transfer protocols.


  • WinSCP installed, see Download and Install the latest version of the WinSCP for more information.

  • Go to WinSCP menu and open "Options > Preferences".

  • When the "Preferences" dialog window appears, select "Transfer" in the options on the left pane.

  • Click on "Edit" button.

  • Then, on shown popup dialog box review the "Common options" group, uncheck the "Preserve timestamp" option as shown below:

Disable Preserve TimeStamp

Configuring WinSCP

  • Click on "New Session" tab button as shown below:


  • Select "Amazon S3" from the "File protocol" dropdown options as shown below:

Choose Amazon S3 File Protocol

  • Provide the following required endpoint information:

"Host name": ""

"Port number": "13808"

The EC2_ACCESS_KEY and EC2_SECRET_KEY keys that you noted from file can then be plugged into "Access key ID" and "Secret access key" respectively.

Config WinSCP

Helpful Tips

You can save your above configured session with some preferred name by clicking the "Save" button and then giving a proper name to your session. So that next time you don't need to again manually enter all your configuration.

Using WinSCP

You can follow above step to manually add a new session next time you open WinSCP or, you can connect to your previously saved session (as listed on popup dialog will show your all saved session name list) that will show up by just clicking on the session name.

Then click "Login" button to connect to your NERC project's Object Storage as shown below:


Successful connection

ii. Using Cyberduck

Cyberduck is a libre server and cloud storage browser for Mac and Windows. With an easy-to-use interface, connect to servers, enterprise file sharing, and cloud storage.


Configuring Cyberduck

  • Click on "Open Connection" tab button as shown below:

Open Connection

  • Select "Amazon S3" from the dropdown options as shown below:

Choose Amazon S3

  • Provide the following required endpoint information:

"Server": ""

"Port": "13808"

The EC2_ACCESS_KEY and EC2_SECRET_KEY keys that you noted from file can then be plugged into "Access key ID" and "Secret Access Key" respectively

Cyberduck Amazon S3 Configuration

Using Cyberduck

Then click "Connect" button to connect to your NERC project's Object Storage as shown below:

Successful connection